Professional Services
Private Readings
These readings can be done in my office, through zoom or by phone for US clients. Generally, it is a single client however if there is a close family relation 2 people may share a private reading. Readings can be 30 or 60 minutes.
There are different types of readings an individual may select. Sometimes a reading might include several aspects. All the readings bring through guidance, reassurance, and healing.
Mediumship Reading
This type of reading aspires to connect you with your deceased loved ones, including pets. The information is evidential to establish the identity of the spirit communicator while proving the survival of the personality after physical death. In my readings, once identification is established, I like to bring through the message that has motivated the spirit communicator to come through. Often these messages are healing and helpful to the client with any unresolved bereavement issues and/or everyday life concerns.
Psychic Reading
This reading focuses on earth life matters. The information is gleamed from the aura and earth level energy to bring information which may be helpful to the client. Often the information confirms what the client already knows but it is helpful to have it validated by an independent party. Please know, I do not address medical conditions as I am not a licensed physician.
Guide Readings
Your spirit team of guides and helpers on the Otherside connect with you through me to bring through guidance and reassurance. The information can also be evidential which may validate information you have received about them or have been given by another medium. Throughout life we are assisted by many guides depending on the issues we are experiencing so the guides which come through may also be introducing themselves.
Soul Contract/ Past Lives Readings
These readings focus on your life plan from your soul's perspective. When a soul incarnates it has a contract or an outline of what it would like to learn, experience, or do in this lifetime. Often times it is to heal an imbalance from a previous lifetime or perhaps to assist a soul mate presently incarnated with their soul plan. Often times, a tension you have with a relative or close friend may have started in a past life. Learning of this often enables the client to understand better and heal.
Animal Communication
These readings focus on pets, both living and deceased. Connecting with beloved pets who have passed into Spirit can assist with unresolved bereavement issues as well as assurance that they too are well in the Spirit world. Connecting with physically living pets can shed light on behavioral issues or their needs.
Spiritual Assessments
This reading focuses on your own psychic and mediumship gifts and potential. Advice is sought from your spirit team concerning your development. Learning this information can often assist those gifts unfold.
Group Readings​
Small Group Readings
​These are readings for groups of 2 to 12 people. Clients can choose to come to my office which is located in the picturesque Northport Village. The village sits on a lovely harbor and has many restaurants within walking distance from my office where many folks choose to go following a group reading. I can also come to your home or office for an additional charge and subject to location / distance.
Large Group Readings / Public Speaking
Up to 500 people. This can be a demonstration of mediumship or an educational program that includes a demonstration of mediumship. These are often done with organizations such as libraries, colleges, metaphysical centers or spiritualist churches. Fundraisers also host these types of services.
Classes ​
Classes can be taught in person at my office, on line through Zoom or at other venues.
Mediumship Development Classes| My Office
Psychic and mediumship development classes held at my office are generally a series of classes (4-8). Usually different series focus on different aspects of mediumship but, all cover the subject matter and offer an opportunity for the student to further unfold. Foundational information is covered (grounding, this) the "Clairs", how to receive information from Spirit, difference between psychic vs mediumship, and other topics
Mediumship Development Classes| Other Venues
I frequently teach at other places which enables students who wish to take my classes but cannot travel to my office. I teach at other metaphysical centers on Long Island, for some local townships and libraries. I also travel and teach in Lily Dale located upstate NY, out of state and internationally. If you have a group and would like to have a workshop at your location, please give me a call to discuss. Often these other venues will offer all day workshops or if online they can vary from a single event to a series.
Trance classes
These classes focus on the student moving into a deeper altered state which strengthens their links to spirit. We would touch upon trance speaking, trance writing, transfiguration, trance healing, past lives trance readings and other uses of trance when bringing the two worlds together. The altered state will also allow us to blend with other life forms for the experience. It is recommended that students have some experience in mediumship and a good foundation prior to taking trance.
Private Mentoring
These are 1-on-1 sessions to assist a student with the unfoldment of their psychic and mediumship gifts as well as their progress and any issues which arise in their practice. They are done in groups of sessions depending on the needs of the individual student. Generally, they are booked in 3, 6 or 9 sessions, given monthly via online meetings which meet for 45 minutes. Mentoring is available to beginners right through to working professional psychic mediums.
Animal Communication
Although this is usually touched upon in psychic / mediumship classes, there is such an interest I offer a series of classes delving deeper and including animals as universal message bearers.
Meet and Greet your Spirit Guides
A popular lecture/workshop is Meet and Greet with your Spirit Guides. During this program we look into who can serve as your spirit team and how you can develop a stronger relationship with them. In more intimate settings we can add on exercises designed to assist the student to enter into an altered state to blend with their guides.
Healing Therapy​
These sessions can be in person at my office, or remote depending on the needs of the client. Clients report feeling more at peace with a greater sense of well-being after a healing session. Physical issues have also been relieved.
Certification & Attunement Classes for Levels 1, 2 & Master/Teacher
These classes are one day classes and scheduled throughout the year, generally on weekends. Class size is limited to 6 students or less to give each student one on one time with the instructor.
Level 1 will teach the history and understanding of Reiki, hand positions for self, chair and table. Basic pet reiki will be taught as well. There are 4 attunements, written materials, and 2 meditation given during the class.
Level 2 will introduce remote healing, use of sacred symbols and different ways to incorporate reiki into everyday life. There are 2 attunements, written materials and a meditation during class.
Master/teacher level is a combined class in my lineage and will introduce the student to the master symbol and how to attune others. Students must demonstrate that they have been successfully using Reiki for at least a year after the Level 2 before they are to be conceded for Master Level.